Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gemini: Totz Preggers*

A turkey baster, some trusty twine, and a can of cranberry sauce will figure heavily in the weeks to come. Although it's artificial insemination and not Thanksgiving you should prepare for. (Photo: Oℓivia)
*(Totally Pregnant) Male pregnancy is apparently spreading. I'm blaming this miracle on Oprah.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Life is a Mix Tape: Off the Deep End of Indie

During Red Without Blue an incredible documentary, which EVERYONE should go see, about identical twins, one of which transitions from male to female, I heard a song that was pretty much the best thing ever. It's the kind of song I absolutely must have IMMEDIATELY, and the kind I listen to on repeat until I can't get any more miles out of it.

You can barely hear the song "Long Distances" at the end of the movie's trailer. Anyway, this song and "Lucky Me," both by the artist Timothy Rabbit are APOCALYPTICALLY AWESOME (in a good way, no gnashing of teeth).

However, they're SO indie, they're not available on iTunes! [begin gnashing of teeth], only MySpace! So, I have been forced to return to that old forum I left long ago. On this occasion of visiting my old internet friend, I have composed a poem:

In Loving Memory of the MySpace

This used to be my playground,
but alas.
Oh how the years pass,
until you get old
and die
(WHY won't you just let me
post your STUPID music application
to my blog)