Monday, August 25, 2008

Underage: An Antadod for Scopeyons Bites

For my brother's wedding, my mother went through the family photos so she could give him his share. She let me take my photos as well. In the process I stumbled upon my old journal, and my 3rd grade "All About Me" workbook.

The workbook apparently came from, "ME!? Methods of Teaching Self-Esteem in the Classroom."

Thank you Mrs. Lahodik.
study jerms
and Study them so hard
I would find a cure to
aids. I would find a
an antadod for scopeyons
bites. My dad says a
scopeyons can Kill you.


STEVEN said...

HAHAHAHA. Wow...good thing you eventually learned how to spell.

Unknown said...

oh. em. gee. PRECIOUS bebito marc!

Patricia said...

that is so amazing. my favorite part is "study them so hard." i have a feeling i would LOVE little marcy marc so much.