Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gluttony Primer: Peach Cornbread

I apologize for my absence. That was rude, I'm sorry, mistakes were made...

So Mandrew and I went down to the Dupont Farmer's Market to pick up some veggies for a dinner party. While we were standing in line for bread, I noticed their specials list had "Peach Cornbread" crossed out, because the angry mob that is all city folk had bought it all. THE INDECENCY!

Back up! Back up! Peach Cornbread?
What means "Peach Cornbread?" How have I never heard of this? This is just slightly worse than that time I was 19, and I learned I had been spelling my middle name wrong - my entire life.

Anyway, I couldn't find a decent recipe on the grand 'ol interwebs, so I made one (with the help of Cook's Illustrated).

You heard me internets, you don't know everything.

Peach Cornbread

2 tablespoons unsalted butter (melted)
1 cup yellow cornmeal
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
5 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
2/3 cup buttermilk & 2/3 cup regular milk
(or substitute 1 1/4 cup milk & 1 tablespoon vinegar)
2 peaches (skinned)
one diced for batter, the other thinly sliced for top

1) preheat oven to 425 degrees and butter and flour 8 inch baking pan
2) whisk all dry ingredients together
3) create well in flour mixture, beat eggs into well and add milks
4) add melted butter and 1 diced peach
5) pour batter into baking pan
6) place sliced peaches on top
7) bake 25 minutes, or until golden brown and edges have pulled away from the sides of the pan

WARNING: Peach Cornbread doesn't keep outside the fridge for more than a day or two.

Yes, I am speaking from experience, disgusting-horrific-disheartening experience


Patricia said...

i'm SO EXCITED to make this! you're a genius!

NEC said...

The internet rejoices.

Also, are you so artsy that you had to watercolor the recipe that you designed yourself?

This is an outrage.

lia said...

i just laughed out loud, which was much less a laugh and much more a shrill squeal. riddle me this: WHAT IS YOUR MIDDLE NAME THAT YOU SPELLED IT INCORRECTLY!?!?

Lia said...

disgusting-horrific-disheartening experiences have led to your CONCOCTIONS OF INNUMERABLE DE-LITE.

i miss you and your words, panda beard.